Thursday, 26 May 2011


I  am saying this now, why?, I think there will be no time to say it again. some times it seen like the adult fill more depressed on what they like so much not because he/she is stupid but the fear of losing that thing for ever not to talk of while he/she can still see it around....
Tell me how will you fill when you lose the same thing you have yearn for the hole of your life?. Cos it's painful to losses. But by light you don't have to if you work hard for it and it make more sense now.I treat her like she never matter but inside i do not want to treat her like that, inside she does matter so much to me infarct i love her so much and it hut to lose you when it matters so much no body have ever love me the way you did and all is left is guilt and your memory. Hoping that one good day you will return to me but still i know i pushed you away for selfish in tress and the pain wouldn't go away. I you ever come my way again i promise you one thing i will never make the same mistake i made before...........
Now this me taking, to you out there if ever come in contact with that one person in your life do not let her go. we are only human and mistake is bond to happen and if you realise your mistake don't wast time any more go and look for her because she matters, bring her back to you" make the would around you with her let her know how much you are sorry let her know you will never let the pass happen again...

Friday, 8 April 2011

confusion not confuised

some times in a man life he have to ask some question on things he have been seen or hard and that is not even enough. till the end of time man have to do the things he thinks was light and who told you that what you have just don is light and how do you know?. you know the truth and because is very hard to tell and practice for that resin you like to live in confusion only on that state of mind will you convince your self. that is total lie and you know finding your problem is an opportunity for you to move on without fear and never live in regret that is were your freedom come. 1, finding truth is one thing doing it is another. 2, when you find it is always biter so you may not like it but the more biter it's the more life it bring. 3, having enough time to wait for it come is another thing but wait for it; he will surly Liberate from all kind of pain and never let you wound your heart. when you are confused so many things went long. you lose all the time you are confused at that time you can not think clear mistake will be companion at each point of time in your life know were you stand it matters you have to be the man in the game if your problem affect you physiologically then you are Dom for life your problem will take over your authority and control you. the only way is that you will have to understand that the wold is a painful place have this at the back of your mind and you will never suffer. suffer only come when you allow it to come in between your head.......................

confusion not confuised

some times in a man life he have to ask some question on things he have been seen or hard and that is not even enough. till the end of time man have to do the things he thinks was light and who told you that what you have just don is light and how do you know?. you know the truth and because is very hard to tell and practice for that resin you like to live in confusion only on that state of mind will you convince your self. that is total lie and you know finding your problem is an opportunity for you to move on without fear and never live in regret that is were your freedom come. 1, finding truth is one thing doing it is another. 2, when you find it is always biter so you may not like it but the more biter it's the more life it bring. 3, having enough time to wait for it come is another thing but wait for it; he will surly Liberate from all kind of pain and never let you wound your heart. when you are confused so many things went long. you lose all the time you are confused at that time you can not think clear mistake will be companion at each point of time in your life know were you stand it matters you have to be the man in the game if your problem affect you physiologically then you are Dom for life your problem will take over your authority and control you. the only way is that you will have to understand that the wold is a painful place have this at the back of your mind and you will never suffer. suffer only come when you allow it to come in between your head.......................

Saturday, 2 April 2011

on a good day

just one sunny day never known a any good will come my way, not even a dream of it but came to live for all my eye never take about it why shouldent i? i am not afred any more i have been bone no more going back not for any thing i have find the truth and it bitter and hard. but the best no matter how long it will surely revile it self. many a times not what you think of it but what it think of you. sincere to your self it will surely be. it always be not for your sincerelity but your sincerelity gave the chance. for a very long time i have been cheesing what to more than what i am doing now and it all come i will live all nagetive thought behind and face it like i was bone to it, just be there for me in my hard and good times i love you all.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

do not blem it on any.

light from the begging we are created be in this condition, no body's fault. things tune out the way they are today because some thing makes it that way, all this happen for a resin and the answer is not yet to be revile check for his for a moment our every day life we all live by expectations without knowing what will happen next but also fell to understand that the day we live in has all writing and predicted by Almighty he has already design it before it came at the same time only him knows how it is and what it's. then things get more though fer than the way it use to be, people started complains here and there looking for some one to carry the blame and we all blame the governments and all the rulers because is their job to protect the massifs and the governments them self also has their own problem for that resin every body were confused. anger, hatred, stilling and war become our daily food but we forget that we are not the one that makes the rules of the day the gods do. And only them can change it but they can not, why?  yes the truth is that the days of man here on earth are evil what we do in our daily life is unspeakable and we are ready to change from it on that resin they are not ready to make things easy for us since we depend on our human wisdom and forget that they are the one who gives it to us but we fill that is enough for us, so they thinks like this you don't want to be what i want you to be then live with it. this is voice of the God speaking thanks for your time bay.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

have a good heart.

yea i know you will be wondering on my topic, have a good heart is two ages word one of it is like telling you to have a good heart. The other is for the good people always have a good heart. and question is in which part did you falling to?. well were ever it touches you" you already know what to do. But encase you do not understands this what i mine have a good heart i am simply telling you that is important in your life to have a good heart (1) it bring you good luck. (2) it build you with a good images. (3) you will know how to love natural. All this is sure to a good heart. or you can chose the heart of stone the type that has no change, a wicked heart is a heart of the witch craft has no repentance in it. be careful of such hearts they can poison your own heart if not been careful and kill while laughing with you pretending to be on your side. be mindful of such heart they can do any thing. Things you can never expects, when people with such heart come around you please do not give them chance thinking you can handle them they are very dangerous, beer this in mind they have the most longest lips and also very presence wetting for the light time to finished you off they are the green sneak in the green glace and there tongue is as vipers tongue and once they strike no cure for their poison. i am here today telling you evil genius have a change of heart today so that you may see good in your life have a good heart today or perished. and as for you better person be careful so you wont be corrupt by evil heart....thanks you for your time see you on the next editions.. 

Saturday, 12 March 2011

The good people

the truth about this is" the good people get to suffer more than the bad eggs. now here the truth it's cost so much to be good and light from the begin evil has already try to take over the world but a good personality came to stop it so their is war between good and bad. after the war he left because he came for some thing so important, like you know live and fight another day is a very wise diction and he left to prepaid for a better war. a war he will surely win but since than it look like who ever try to be good get double suffer for been good. to tell you their is reword for your good did. it pay to be good no mater what you are passing through keep doing it because it wort it and he is coming back to finish what he has started an telling you today he knows you and what you did even the once you do with good and bad intention he knows you. tell those who never knows that he knew them. so as for you who decide to be good just know that their is cross to carry and is a must carry cross. thanks to you all. bay.